The Hartford Bridge Replacement Project involves constructing a new 550-foot integral abutment bridge on an askew, and on a new alignment over the White River. The project aims for an interim completion by November 2024 when the new bridge should be operational, with the overall project scheduled for completion by the summer of 2025. To complete the substructure, 350 cubic yards of substructure concrete were poured in one month. Additionally, 1.44 million pounds of steel was erected within three weeks, with 8,300 bolts stuffed and whacked.
A significant challenge faced was ensuring safe access over the river amidst unprecedented storms and floods in Vermont during early July. Despite these obstacles, the project team persevered, adapting as needed to finish the first season on schedule.
Much appreciation goes out to all of the dedicated individuals that worked long hours and weekends. Without their tremendous efforts, this project would not be positioned for success in the 2024 construction season.